This cute little off-broadway musical called Altar Boyz, about a Christian boy band on their final night of their world tour, has been running for just over two years in New York and is an intermission-less (love it) cute little show. Amazing? Nope. Mind blowing? Uh-uh. Make you LOL a bit? Oh Yeah. Wet yourself? Just a few drops, but I'm into musicals so it's not hard to make me pee my shorts a little. (And I've crossed the line)
Anyway, I highly recommend getting a discount ticket and seeing it, if you're looking for a quick show with pretty boys that keep their clothes on.
The crazy thing, apparently this show has such a following that they are offering a month-long pass unlimited ticket for $199 that will allow super-fans (aka Altarholics) of the show to see it as many times as possible during the month of May. Wow. I mean, the show is good, but...Whaaaa?
This got me thinking, if other shows would do this, like other ones I'd want to see again - I'd be a very happy boy. I'm thinking, Spring Awakening, Wicked...now those are still hot tickets...what about Rent, Chicago, or Phantom? Just an idea for all of you Broadway theater producers.
It's an excellent way to reward local audiences who are big fans of the show. The idea is totally Nick'd...even if I could write out a list of shows I'd like to see it for before Altar Boyz. God bless 'em.
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