Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"OVGuide" Just Doesn't Have The Same Ring

TVGuide has made another step in their attempt to become the online guide to video on the web. Since that whole digital cable thing is ruining the need for an actual, real television guide.

From a quick perusal, it seems to be mostly entertainment industry (TV, celebrity, etc) related clips and the site is mostly an aggregator of links, directing users back out to different websites where the actual video lives.

Although TVGuide has been hosting its own video and even is creating some web-exclusive content, including The Ausiello Report which features spoilers and inside scoop from some of TV's most popular scripted shows.

Check out the Online Video Guide and watch away. We'll see if this is helpful (do I really need this?), if it picks up any traffic and how they plan to incorporate non-TV related and even user generated videos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is another site called OVGuide.com which has been around for almost a year. It is a directory of other online video sites.