Sunday, April 1, 2007

‘Ma, I need to talk to you about something, I’m gay.’

The New York Times ran a piece on Sunday, April 1 in their Parenting section called "Accepting Gay Identity, and Gaining Strength." It tells the story of a young teenage boy who was struggling with self-esteem issues and a general uncomfortableness in his own body, his own life. Coming out to himself, to his friends and his family, as the article shares, was the beginning of change and growth for this young man.

Being able to settle into who you are is a challenge that faces a lot of people, especially during the awkward phase of being a teenager. We are fortunate to be living in a time when this story can not only happen, but can be told in such a public forum. Yes, he still was called faggot by some of his schoolmates, but read the article to see the action he takes against one boy.

There is still a lot that needs to happen politically to create a world where it is easier for young homosexual people to feel comfortable that their community and country will accept them for who they are, but the improving social aspects that are allowing kids these opportunities to grow at a consistent pace with their peers...and parents who say things like: “Coming out was the best thing for him. We ask him, ‘Why didn’t you come out in fifth grade?’ ” means that a greater political shift has to come, and maybe it will with an upcoming generation of politicians.

The article is a quick read. I recommend it, obviously.

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