Wednesday, April 18, 2007

He Gave Us 'Something To Talk About': Idol Will Continue Sans-jaya

I've been waiting to say this for weeks. I feel relieved I can finally take American Idol seriously again and actually write a post about it. The William Hung that could. The megastar Sanjaya Malakar, who for the past weeks seemed invincible showed up in the bottom three contestants (out of the seven who were left) this week. And, appropriately, he was sent home. Now we can get down to business.

Sans Sanjaya.


Now, once we get rid of Phil Stacey, who will stick around for the top? The competition is on, folks. Next week Idol pulls an Oprah-Angelina-Madonna and "gives back" to the children of Africa. Trendy, but still an amzingly good cause. Watch. Donate. Vote.

1 comment:

Kit said...

Do you know about my Idol Ouija Board? Fox sent a countdown promo with a sticker of each contestant. I applied the stickers when mike brought it home and the first six finalists have been voted off in the order in which they appear on our board. You'll be happy to know Phil Stacey is next in line!