Oprah is not as ridiculous as I once found her.
I'm not saying I won't find her ridiculous again, but for this moment she's A-OK in my book.
The power this woman has and the trust she's earned in the entertainment community, in what seems like an overwhelming majority of households (mostly those of soccer mom's, if you'll allow me to stereotype for a bit) in America and many many more in other parts of the world through her talk show, magazines, and organizations she seems to have broken through. She has stuck by her convictions, only rarely sensationalizing her television program. She is using the voice, influence and power she has earned and the money she spends so well on herself (I know things about her clothes, shoes, sheets, bath towels and more) and is truly making a difference in the world. A big difference. For the better. The lady knows how to tell a compelling story and she did it tonight.
My recommendation is for you to watch Building A Dream: The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy when it re-airs on ABC this Saturday. Or get it when it no doubt will arrive on DVD. It makes me want to be a better person. Seriously.
And, although I do find it odd that these girls who have no electricity nor running water nor parents have perfect skin and teeth, they are inspirations for those of us that take things for granted, that allow ourselves to fall short of our true potential, that stop short of our dreams.
God, this sounds so cheesy as I write this but it's my response to a well done program and the lady behind it has earned a place inside me - the part that gets inspired. Thanks, Oprah.
Is this what all those housewives feel every weekday after they spend an hour with O?
Lucky bitches.
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